Welcome to Amrita Made This

I believe in the transformative power of creativity. My mission is to inspire and guide you through the wonderful world of crafts and D.I.Y., making…


I believe in the transformative power of creativity. My mission is to inspire and guide you through the wonderful world of crafts and D.I.Y., making it easy for you to infuse your living spaces with personalized charm

Amrita Made This is a one woman show about how I (Amrita) live my best, creatively inspired life. My goal is to create practical pieces of art that will help you personalize your home and life.

While you will mostly find sewing projects on here, I occasionally dip my toes in other mediums too. Want to know which ones? I guess you will just have to keep coming back to find out!

If you would like to know more about me, read on!

I’m a 39 year old stay-at-home Mum to one rambunctious human (referred to as The Kiddo here), and two fur babies..

My gorgeous hubby and I 🙂

I’m British Indian, and I moved to the good old USA in 2015 when I got married.

Between waiting for my permission to work from the US government, moving around a lot due to my husband’s job, and not being able to drive, I found myself with a lot of free time, and needing a creative outlet. That is when I started cross stitching.

I was lucky enough my husband’s aunt gave me her old cross stitching supplies (she had since moved on to other crafts), and I became obsessed. Here is some pictures of some past cross stitch projects that I loved making.

Then one day, I happened to be in a Joann Fabrics with my mother-in-law who was picking some wool for a knitting project, and she picked me up some needles and yarn too, as well as giving me some basic knitting lessons.

At the time I was living in a very cold Michigan, so the knitting skills were very much needed. I don’t have a picture of many of the scarves and blankets I have sewn, but this teapot cozy is one of the most favorite things I have ever made (will update this with pattern creator as soon as I find the pattern again!).

And then around 18 months later, I got a job, and was blessed enough to become a Mum. At the time, financially it made more sense to stay at home than to have daycare for my kiddo, so I found myself at home again, albeit a lot busier, but craving a creative outlet that was just for me.

And once again, my Mother-in-Law bought me a sewing machine, as she remembered I had once commented I wanted to learn how to sew.

It was a good six months before I even opened the box, found a random tutorial online which I have since lost, and made this tote bag with some thrift store fabric.

And then I just didn’t stop sewing…

In fact, my love of sewing grew so much, I have started two blogs in the past, and this one is my third attempt.

Will I be lucky this third time?

I don’t know.

What I do know is that sewing is a very inspiring, humbling, and compassionate past-time. I have found myself being kinder to myself about mistakes, and embracing the sewing journey I am on.

Something that has been said to me a few times is that I must be naturally talented. I am here to tell you I am not. I had to work very hard, borrow stolen moments between naps and baby feeds, miss out on sleep, cry, curse and watch a LOT of YouTube tutorials.

My finished products are rarely perfect, but honestly, perfection is overrated. Sure, my items don’t look professional, but they are blooming interesting, functional, and beautiful (to me anyway).

And it is this passion and zest for all things sewing and crafty that I would like to pass on to you. You don’t have to have the best tools, nor do you don’t have to be ‘naturally’ artistic. All I need from you is a commitment to start.

See you in the  craft room!



If you would like to stay in touch, you can find me in all these places….

Hope to hear from you soon!


  1. I love how you are finding magic in everything! I also appreciate how you accept that things aren’t perfect. Embrace the chaos! Really enjoying your content

    1. Thank you so much! Haha, yup I’m trying hard everyday to embrace the chaos and magic. It’ll drive me mad(der) if I don’t! 🙂

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