how to make twine out of scrap fabric

Let’s make some fabric twine today! I have a lot of scrap fabric. As much as I love sewing, as I am still relatively new…


Let’s make some fabric twine today!

I have a lot of scrap fabric.

As much as I love sewing, as I am still relatively new at it, I find myself with a lot of scrap fabric.

One of the reasons I wanted to start sewing was to reduce my dependence on fast fashion. So there is no way I am going to let these scraps end up in a landfill.

I am determined to use every one of these scraps up.

For some of the larger scraps I have, I have decided to make some fabric twine.

If I am honest, I only got the idea for this when I was shopping on Etsy for something else, and fabric twine came up (I wished I remembered the seller).

With the amount of fabric I have, I couldn’t justify buying it, so decided to have a crack at making my own.

It took a few goes, but I finally came up with one that I am quite happy with thickness with, and that I can use in other projects.

If you like the look of fabric twine, you could totally buy it, but it is super easy to make. If you want, it doesn’t even have to involve any sewing!

What fabric do I need for this project?

I have only ever used quilting cotton.

If you try any other fabrics, let me know how it went!

Having said that, I do not think stretchy fabric would work.

What tools do I need for this project?

  • Anything to cut the fabric. Ideally a rotary cutter, but scissors would work too.
  • Gridded cutting mat.
  • If you don’t have one of those, use a fabric safe marking tool to mark out one inch intervals on your fabric.
  • Ruler (ideally a quilting one, but any sturdy ruler will do).
  • Cushion
  • Safety pin

How to make Fabric Twine

Cut fabric into 1 inch wide strips.

Take 2 pieces and tie together.

Secure the knotted end on to a cushion using a safety pin.

Hold one piece of fabric together in each hand.

Twist the fabric on the right towards the right, and the fabric on the left towards the left.

Start twisting it together.

When reaching about 1-2 inches away from the end of the strip, place another strip at the end, and continue to twist.

Repeat as for as long as desired. I like to tie a loose knot at the end. It makes sure there is no unraveling, but is loose enough so I can add more if I want.

Wrap around into a ball or around a spool (if you have one available).

Look at your pretty fabric twine!

This is a fun project to do while binge watching some TV.

If you would like to see a video of this project, I made a little video tutorial, available on YouTube and TikTok.

Also, I would love to see your version of this project. You can find me at Facebook, Instagram, TikTok under the handle @cozymagichome. Feel free to use the tag #cozymagichome so I can see it too!

As always, I hope you day is filled cozy magic.

Blessed Be,

