free workbook – ‘explore your home decor style’

Do you know what your home decor preferences are? I’ve created a free seven day workbook that will help you just that! It was only…


Do you know what your home decor preferences are?

I’ve created a free seven day workbook that will help you just that!

home decor free printable workbook on desk with cup of tea

It was only when we bought our first home (you can see our ‘before/current pics here) and had the freedom to decorate our home exactly how we wanted, that I realized I had no idea how I wanted my home to look.

I know I wanted my home to feel cozy and magical (that’s how I came up with the name for this blog!), but I as for the style… I was at a loss.

For the last few years everywhere we have lived has consisted of furniture that came with our rental, or with furniture that matched the apartment we were renting, because we were not allowed to make any major decoration changes.

So this new found freedom to paint the walls however we want is both exciting and slightly scary.

After spending what felt like years on Google Images and Pinterest, I decided to take break from researching because it was overwhelming.

There are so many different stunning decor styles.

But taking a break and journaling about it was helpful for me. I was able to focus on what we wanted as a family, and after a lot of discussion we figured out the decor style we wanted for our home (which basically is The Weasley’s Burrow).

home decor workbook being filled in

Having spoken to some family and friends, I came to realize that I’m not the only one who gets overwhelmed by decorating options.

This genuinely surprised me. I really thought everyone else just knew.

In order to save anyone else who is feeling overwhelmed by decorating their home, I came up with the ‘Explore Your Home Decor Style’ guidebook.

It is a guided journal filled with the questions I asked myself when trying to figure this decorating problem out.

This workbook will help you organize your thoughts in one convenient place. It certainly did for me!

It consists of seven questions. Of course, you can complete it as quickly as you want, but I found it helpful to complete one question a day.

It allowed me to really reflect upon the question, and (when needed) gather the opinions of my family.

If you have ever looked around your home and found you wanted to update your decor, but were not sure which direction to go, I highly recommend you get this workbook.

The grand cost of the workbook is…. $0.00!!

That’s right, this workbook will cost you nothing (except maybe some paper and ink). You can download it here.

Of course, you can figure this out on your own.

But I really would like to help if I can. I found journaling about this so helpful, and I think it can do the same for you.

If you do decide to use this workbook, I would love to hear your feedback about it! You can email me at [email protected] or find me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or YouTube. Use hashtag #cozymagichome so I can find you easily

Until next time, I hope the coziest, magical day.

