back from my blogging break – an update

I’m baaaaack!!! Did you miss me? I sure missed you J I hadn’t planned on taking a break from blogging so soon into starting my…


I’m baaaaack!!!

Did you miss me? I sure missed you J

I hadn’t planned on taking a break from blogging so soon into starting my blog, but apparently life did.

After some unexpected dental work, recovering from (what felt like) every bug under the sun, and hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas for my lovely family, I was pretty tired and just fancied a break.

I spent January recovering from the whirlwind end of 2022, and thinking about how I wanted to take this blog forward.

This is me ignoring the housework, snuggling with the cat, a good book and some hot chocolate. It was bliss!

While I will still be sharing crafty projects, homemaking advice and recipes, this year, Cozy Magic Home will be focusing more on getting our homes looking just how we want them.

That’s right; I’m in my Martha Stewart wannabe era. But you know, if Martha was into witchy, cottagecore stuff instead of farmhouse.

And if she wasn’t as organized. Or talented.

Then you’d essentially get me.

Just a casual picture of me looking like I know what I’m doing

I have a lot more home décor, crafting, and sewing posts planned, mostly because that is what I am living right now.

We bought our beautiful home in July 2022. Even though I loved the idea of buying a fixer upper, it made much more sense to buy a home that wouldn’t need too much work.

So that is what we have, a beautiful, well-loved home. It is wonderfully functional. The previous owners had great taste, and the way they decorated their home is charming.

Here are some pictures and videos of our home when we moved in!

living room

While I do like it, it isn’t quite me.

And I am ready to imprint my D.I.Y. signature all over this home.

January saw me start to make small changes in my home, and make lots (and I mean lots) of plans.

I’ve spent so much time researching different home styles.

We have spent so much time at Menards and Joann.

I have loved every minute of it, and I am really looking forward to sharing it with you.

I hope you find it useful, or at least entertaining.

My goal is to bring you quality content on here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

In the meantime, I’d love to see what you are up to! Follow me over at FB, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or let me know below!

I hope the last few months have been kind to you.

As always, I hope you days are filled with cozy magic.

Blessed Be,


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